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Friday, August 13, 2010

Brain Boosters to Prevent Memory Loss

Exercising is one of the most frequently cited activities to improve age-related memory. Studies have shown that older people who exercise -- and we're talking fairly easy exercise of moderate walking a few times a week -- outperformed couch potatoes after six months.

Experts do not fully understand why exercise helps boost brainpower, but it could be for several reasons. First, exercise diminishes stress, a key drain of brain energy, and it also helps overall health. It also helps people sleep better, which improves memory and keeps the blood flowing to all parts of your body.

Eating a Rainbow of Fruits and Vegetables
Experts stress that people must pay attention to their diets and eat a variety of fruits and vegetables, five to seven servings daily ranging from leafy greens to blueberries to tomatoes to sweet potatoes. While there is no one "brain food," antioxidants -- which are often found in fruits and vegetables -- help to curb free-radical damage to cells.

Also, experts say there's no magic brain vitamin or supplement that will protect against memory loss. B vitamins may help, as could the spice turmeric, but that studies are inconclusive.

Mental Workouts
To keep your brain sharp, many experts say, you need to challenge it regularly.

There is some evidence that mental gymnastics can help preserve memory, but some of the promises of computer games outstrip the reality of the benefits, researchers say.

Healthy sleep patterns are crucial for cognitive performance, especially memory, the experts say. That means at least seven hours of sleep each night.

Sleep is essential to lower levels of stress hormones, to relax and refresh your entire body, and to literally turn off your brain.

While it may be tempting to take over-the-counter -- or even prescription -- sleeping medications, be aware that many may impair memory. Check with your doctor about side effects of sleep medications, as well as all drugs.

Also, limit your intake of alcohol if you experience sleeping problems, as it can disrupt sleeping patterns.

No More Multitasking
One of the biggest causes of failing to remember something, explains Small, is that "people aren't paying attention."

Multitasking thus becomes an impediment to remembering names, a recipe, or something you just read. That's because the brain first has to encode information before it can retrieve the information as memory. Unless the brain is paying attention and taking in the information it will later need, the brain cannot encode the information.

Learning New Memory Tricks
Small, who also authored the best-selling book The Memory Bible, says he teaches a technique called "look, snap, connect" in which participants are taught how to focus on someone or something and make a connection that will help them remember.

Long-practiced strategies such as linking a person's name to something else or another person are also helpful, or using sound associations. Check your local library, senior center, or hospital to see whether free classes might be offered.

While age-related memory loss is typically minor, be on the lookout for more serious memory loss in yourself or a loved one. Forgetting where you parked your car is one thing. Forgetting that you have a car is another.

If memory loss is making an impact in your everyday life or getting worse, consult with a doctor.

Also, try to laugh a little about the age-related memory loss while doing what you can to curb it. While the loss is real, it's not as if you are losing control of your brain. The loss is relatively subtle, and in most cases, your brain still works like the incredible organ that it is.

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