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Friday, October 15, 2010

Horoscope Element - Earth (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn)

Taurus - April 21st to May 21st 
The bull is used to describe the sign of Taurus because he usually is plodding and peaceful in his movements. He is deliberate and relaxed and enjoys his food. 
A typical Taurus person likes comfort, and is willing to work hard for the things that make him happy. Like a bull he does not easily lose his temper, but when he does get angry it is best to stay out of his way!
The most important thing to Taurus is stability. Many with a horoscope dominated by Taurus people love beautiful things. They may also love the land, and be happiest in the country. Some Taurus people have fine voices and a talent for music, or they may be good at sculpture or woodwork. Others are practical and can be excellent accountants or bookkeepers. But sometimes Taurus people take a long time to decide what they are best at, because this is a patient sign and Taurus people are in no hurry.
Taurus people have a solid, reliable quality which reminds them of the earth itself. Their special gifts are their reliability, and their ability to bring peace and stability into other people's lives.

Virgo - August 23rd to September 22nd
The symbol of Virgo the Maiden represents a cool, clear quality to the way that a typical Virgo person thinks.
Virgo people are usually very gentle and quiet, and love small animals and growing things. Many Virgos love to do detailed things and are talented at crafts like dressmaking. They will work hard to create something which is beautiful and useful at the same time. People born under the sign of Virgo are often happy to be alone, providing they know that they are needed and appreciated by others. In fact, the most important thing to people with a strong Virgo influence in their horoscope is service. They are always ready to help others, and are very sympathetic to their friend's problems. Often they are shy and sensitive, but deep down are generous with their love and their talents.
Virgo people need to feel that they are contributing something worthwhile to life. Their special gentleness and quietness is much needed in this world. 

Capricorn - December 23rd to January 21st
The mountain goat is always climbing higher and higher toward the summit. He is sure-footed and never falls, and knows where he is going. Other animals cannot catch him because he simply climbs higher and looks out over the world from a safe and secure place on the mountain top.
Capricorns are the type of people who have a goal towards which they will work hard and long. They usually have plenty of self-discipline and are successful in what they do.
The most important thing to a Capricorn is achievement. He will tend to take life seriously, and it is important for him to be good at something. He needs to feel that he has a skill, something he can do better than anyone else. Capricorn people are hard workers and many of them make excellent teachers, lawyers and statesmen. They are also quiet and diplomatic and know how to be subtle and tactful in their dealings with others. It may take a long time for you to get to know a Capricorn person, because he is often serious and shy by nature.
Work is very important to people with a Capricornian horoscope. Family life is equally important, and they may have a love of history and tradition. Their special and unique gift is their inner determination to succeed at what they want in life, and that means they probably will.

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